Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cheeky Grandmama!

The words for this week are:


She pressed the elevator button to go up 25 levels. The elevator was full and there was barely enough room to move. Suddenly, a few levels up from the ground, she wished she was somewhere else. It’s just her luck that someone disgustingly farted inside! Aaaaargggh! She looked around but everybody was busy pretending that it was someone else. Well, except for this little old lady in one corner at the back who has this guilty look on her face. She caught me looking at her and she flashed this adoring smile and even though the smell was really bad, I can’t help but smile back. Cheeky little grandmamma!


Anonymous said...

LOL! LOL! I loved this! I know a few "ladies" who would be able to pull this off exactly. Thank you for sharing this little bit of humor today. And btw, I love the header on your blog.

Paul said...

Nice cheeky little piece. Very amusing.

Anonymous said...

Happens all the time when you're shopping too.



little wing writer said...

what a perfect little story...i thought it was hilarious...

Tumblewords: said...

Hah! Whodathunk it? Cute...

Linda Jacobs said...

Can't wait until I can do that and not even feel guilty! You got me laughing!

Jujee said...

amusing little read!

Anonymous said...

Only old ladies can carry it off..:D

PJD said...

Poor old girl can't hold it in. Or maybe she amuses herself in her retirement by eating a lot of gassy foods and then riding around the office building elevators all day long...

Apart from the POV change halfway through (from third to first), it's cute. Happy belated Wednesday.

TC said...


I enjoyed the laugh this morning.

Bone said...

It is at this point I'm thankful that smell-o-vision never made it to computer monitors :)

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