The words for this week are:
I stumbled upon an abandoned phone booth
One windy and lazy afternoon
I wondered what history lies inside
Does it long for lost company?
What twist of fate brought it here?
In the silent arms of a remote place
Has it outlived its usefulness?
And is now abandoned to rest
Does it long for lost company?
Love that line!
This was superb, that of an abandone telephone both, brings to light lots of imagery. Thanks for sharing.
Good question. Wonder that myself often
Lovely idea - if houses can be haunted by an imprint of traumatic events that occured in them, then I guess the same must be true of phone booths - though there's obviously less space for the spirits!
I would describe it as evocative and thought-provoking, rather than simple. Really makes me wonder.
(and also think of Dr. Who, lol).
this made me think about what an awesome photo essay could be created by traveling around and photographing old abandoned phone booths in various states of decay.....
excellent write....
This is terrific! If those scratched glass walls could talk, no?
I love the images it conjures... makes me wonder what conversations the booth remembers, the histories it could tell.
Very nice.
Driving around the highlands and islands of scotland will take you past many lonely phone boxes. I like the way they're brought to mind by this!
I like the almost sad note of it..
Think of it, the next generation won't understand the concept of superman going into a phone booth to change...we all have cell phones!
I love your tribute to this old phone booth. It makes one think of all the stories that could be told. It brings to mind the show 'If These Walls Could Talk' that aired on HBO before. Your poem was a beautiful write for 3WW. Keep up the good work.
Have a nice day.
I really enjoyed this. I like that you humanize the phone booth, make us wonder how it feels, instead of thinking only of how convenient cell phones are.
I wondered what history lies inside
Does it long for lost company?
Love that. I wonder too. And I sometimes wish it could tell us.
Great job, Ther! I've often wondered similar things. Oh the stories a phone booth could tell.
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