Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Do's and Don'ts for 2007

I chanced upon this the other day and was aghast to realize that not only did I NOT follow my To Do items, I also did my Not To Do items. Aaarrrrggghh.

Going into particulars is not required but I am revisiting the link now to remind myself of the things I wanted to do and avoid for this year. It does look like I am in a losing battle but I still have a quarter of the year to do something about it so I think I just might pull it off yet.

I think I'll print a copy of this list and keep it somewhere I can see it just to remind me every day of what I want to achieve.

Keeping my fingers crossed....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fingers are crossed. I don't make resolutions. Yours seem quite reasonable and there are more than a few I should adopt.

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