Friday, June 6, 2008

Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me

The prompt for this week: My Nights

A few years back, I was in São Paulo, Brazil on assignment for a month. We have a few local colleagues who introduced us to their night scenes. One night we were at this bar and it was full of locals and foreigners alike. There was a big bar area and an even bigger dance floor. We managed to get a high table and was drinking in place when I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. When I looked around, the man behind me smiled and leaned down to whisper.

"Can I kiss you?"

I thought I misheard what he said so I asked him to repeat it again.

"Can I kiss you?"

Incredulous, I laughingly dismissed the guy's request and for the life of me cannot remember what I said.

I told my local friends and they said that's how it is in their country.

A few of my Filipino male colleagues was so happy when I told them about it and we were waiting for any one of them to approach a girl and ask her for a kiss.

They never did. =)


rebecca said...

Is this for real? Holy Moses, that is a hot country!

Ther said...

yes, it is for real.

thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great way to go on! Think I'll book a ticket!

Granny Smith said...

Did he ask it in English or Portuguese?

Amusing post.

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful story. Do you wish you would have answered this man? I remember someone telling me about being at a party and a magi asked "what do you want my dear?" she didn't think much of it. Later she realized that he was blessing her with looking deeply into her life and he would bless her for her deepest wish. She regretted not taking him seriously.

danni said...

what a great thing to have for a memory --- cultures and customs are all so unique -

gautami tripathy said...



Patois42 said...

That's the kind of country we all should visit at least once.

Anonymous said...

a most enjoyable read... had to smile at the end... naughty...

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