Friday, February 29, 2008

Which kind of reader are you?

The other day I saw a guy at the MRT reading a Nora Roberts book. I was surprised because the guy does not look effeminate to be dabbling in romance. But then I remembered that Nora Roberts also writes as J. D. Robb so the guy could be reading a book from that series.

And then a comment made by an ex-colleague of mine suddenly came to mind. He said romance books are actually a form of soft porn. And in a way, I think it is true. Most of the romance books now describe intercourse in so much detail and they were embedded like an integral part of the book.

Some of the content sometimes makes me edgy while reading in public. Like someone might be reading behind my back and suddenly realize that my book contains soft porn. Funny. Some women try to avoid reading romance books in public to avoid being branded as shallow.

At times, I would skip through the ‘pornographic’ content and just proceed to the next ‘normal’ part of the book.

Most of the books can do without it but maybe the authors are trying to make the romance book more real.

It did make me wonder though if the guy reading the Nora Roberts book was reading it because he likes romance or if he likes ‘romance’.

Which kind of reader are you?


Farah Deen said...

hi, i totally agree with you. Indeed, most of the romantic novels have embedded soft porn in it. I am a crazy fan of Danielle Steel, and yes, in ALL of her novels, there are detail description of erotic acts. In public, it can be embarrassing, like you said, guys behind us might be reading a few lines and that will make us look like perverts! LOL nonetheless, I love romantic novels, it makes me cry and smile at times.

Good blog.btw, I am Farah, from Penang, Malaysia. was dropping my entrecard here actually.

Ther said...

Thanks Farah for the visit. Romance novels, you can't live without them. We need a bit of love every now and then. =)

Anonymous said...

I am fond of romance novels as well. In fact, I want to write romance novels later on. What is holding me, though, is the fact that most of them do have soft porn content now, and I cannot just write such stuff.

Nice blog you have here.

Chris said...

I think you can only read Kafka so much until you need a mindless brake. That's actually a joke, I've never read Kafka, but the idea is a sound one. I've read heady books and I've read pieces of fluff – as long as the story is good I'm happy. Sometimes it is so nice not to have to think about what you are reading. The first thing I ever wrote was a romance novel. It sucks, but it has all the necessary naughty parts. *wink*

Yes, I have often worried that someone will discover I'm reading "that kinda book."

Great post!

Chris said...

I think you can only read Kafka so much until you need a mindless brake. That's actually a joke, I've never read Kafka, but the idea is a sound one. I've read heady books and I've read pieces of fluff – as long as the story is good I'm happy. Sometimes it is so nice not to have to think about what you are reading. The first thing I ever wrote was a romance novel. It sucks, but it has all the necessary naughty parts. *wink*

Yes, I have often worried that someone will discover I'm reading "that kinda book."

Great post!

Buffy said...

My dad (and son) are J.D.Robb so when my mum and I were out shopping and saw a novel by a writer of the same name we bought it.

I think perhaps we should have checked what it was dad is 75 and definitely more into romance. This book was WAY out there for him to deal with...but it looks pretty cool on his book shelf!

Ther said...

hotmama mathe -> thanks for visiting! good luck and i hope you get to write your romance novel.

chris -> i know what you mean. sometimes after reading serious, intellectual books, i tend to bury myself with romance books just for the lightheartedness of it.

buffy -> i do love Nora Roberts though I've never tried any one of her J.D. Robbs books. Maybe i'll try some time in the future...

Anonymous said...

Nora Roberts is most definitely soft porn! Umm...reading her stuff in public might get mighty uncomfortable! lol Not a big romance book reader myself. Enjoyed my visit here!

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