Wednesday, January 17, 2007

CS Party @ Ministry Of Sound

We had our company-wide 2006 year-end party @ MOS today. In a true display of support for shifting schedules, the party was scheduled from 6:30pm to 4:30am. We went to the party around 8pm with the idea that it's probably not yet full. And I guess we (Moi, Wena and Cookie) really shouldn't have been surprised when we came in and saw an almost full place. It was jam-packed with people from the office from all departments. It was a bit alarming because I never did like crowds as I sometimes feel suffocated.

Queue lines to get drinks are long and crowded. And there is not much left space to standby. Good thing some guys decided to move at the time we were hunting for a space and we managed to secure a small table and a chair. It wasn't really a good spot because we were right behind the speakers so we get the resonance of the music almost directly. Besides that, there are also the little cockroaches on the speaker that limits the space more. I almost freaked out when I realized what the girl beside us was telling me: there are cockroaches and I'm almost sharing space with them. Eeeeewwwww. Gross.

There was a designated time on when the food will be served and a just a few minutes before it, a few people are already lining up. We were a bit kiasu and so we decided to start moving in and queue up. When the announcement came for the opening of the food bar, you can just imagine the crowd almost suddenly pouncing and trying their best to get as much as they can. Yours truly included. =)

After eating the little food we managed to get, we realized we're still hungry but we're not willing to stay longer or brave the food queue again. We decided to bail out and move over to Hooters. We saw a few people from CS on another side of the restaurant so I guess we're not the only ones who gave up on the food queue.

As for the party, it was crowded, it was too dank and the space was too small for such a large crowd. A lot of people stayed behind but I guess for the three of us it was not worth staying for. Hopefully next year's party will be in a bigger place and queues won't be as long. Otherwise I'll probably stay away from another company-wide party coz I don't want to find myself stealing my way again to Hooters.

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